is a company that provides market research services for financial services companies. This will allow the person handling the statistical projection to understand which variables are useful and which should be excluded from the model since they don’t have enough correlation with the dependent variable. Additionally, the coefficient of determination can be measured per-variable or per-model. A measure of 70% or more means that the behavior of the dependent variable is highly explained by the behavior of the independent variable being studied.

R-squared coefficients range from 0 to 1 and can also be expressed as percentages in a scale of 1% to 100%. The R-squared formula measures the degree in which the independent variables explain the dependent one. This notion is associated with a statistical model called line of regression, which determines the relationship of independent variables with a dependent variable (the forecasted variable) to predict its behavior. What is the definition of r squared? Coefficient of determination is widely used in business environments for forecasting procedures.

In other words, it is a formula that determines how much a variable’s behavior can explain the behavior of another variable. Definition: R squared, also called coefficient of determination, is a statistical calculation that measures the degree of interrelation and dependence between two variables.